man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing blue cap and black sunglasses
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing blue cap and black sunglasses

Transform. Empower. Thrive.

Overcome negative thinking and over-thinking with Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Enhance self-understanding and well being, reduce stress, develop your Emotional Intelligence.

woman in white vest and black bikini with hand on chest
woman in white vest and black bikini with hand on chest
CBT for negative thinking

'Mind over mood'

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands
woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands


people sitting on chair with brown wooden table
people sitting on chair with brown wooden table
Mindfulness for over-thinking

'Awareness of the present moment with acceptance'

About MBCT

Is it for me?

Anyone can benefit, if you are willing to invest some time in a little reading (initially) and regular practice of MBCT techniques.

white clouds under blue sky at daytime
white clouds under blue sky at daytime